Creates a single scoped CSS Variable reference.
import { createVar, style } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const accentVar = createVar();
No CSS created
As you can see, no CSS is generated when you create a variable, it is only a reference that can be set later on.
Setting the variable
The variable reference created above can be set using the “vars” key.
import { createVar, style } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const accentVar = createVar();
export const blue = style({
vars: {
[accentVar]: 'blue'
export const pink = style({
vars: {
[accentVar]: 'pink'
.accent_blue__l3kgsb1 {
--accentVar__l3kgsb0: blue;
.accent_pink__l3kgsb2 {
--accentVar__l3kgsb0: pink;
Keep in mind the value of the variable can be changed in another class or even in a media query. For example, let’s change the value when the user prefers a dark color-scheme:
import { createVar, style } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const accentVar = createVar();
export const blue = style({
vars: {
[accentVar]: 'blue'
'@media': {
'(prefers-color-scheme: dark)': {
vars: {
[accentVar]: 'lightblue'
export const pink = style({
vars: {
[accentVar]: 'pink'
'@media': {
'(prefers-color-scheme: dark)': {
vars: {
[accentVar]: 'lightpink'
.accent_blue__l3kgsb1 {
--accentVar__l3kgsb0: blue;
.accent_pink__l3kgsb2 {
--accentVar__l3kgsb0: pink;
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
.accent_blue__l3kgsb1 {
--accentVar__l3kgsb0: lightblue;
.accent_pink__l3kgsb2 {
--accentVar__l3kgsb0: lightpink;
Using the variable
The variable reference can then be passed as the value for any CSS property.
import { createVar, style } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
import { accentVar } from './accent.css.ts';
export const accentText = style({
color: accentVar
.style_accentText__1p33h4l0 {
color: var(--accentVar__l3kgsb0);
Assigning variables dynamically
CSS variables can also be assigned dynamically using APIs in the @vanilla-extract/dynamic
@property rules
@property rules can also be created using createVar
CSS variables with @property rules are used in the same way as regular CSS variables:
import { createVar, style } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const accentVar = createVar({
syntax: '<color>',
inherits: false,
initialValue: 'blue'
export const pink = style({
vars: {
[accentVar]: 'pink'
@property --accentVar__l3kgsb0 {
syntax: "<color>";
inherits: false;
initial-value: blue;
.accent_pink__l3kgsb1 {
--accentVar__l3kgsb0: pink;