
Creates a single scoped layer. This avoids potential naming collisions with other layers.

🚧  Ensure your target browsers support layers. Vanilla Extract supports the layers syntax but does not polyfill the feature in unsupported browsers.
import { layer } from '@vanilla-extract/css';

export const reset = layer('reset');
export const framework = layer('framework');
export const app = layer('app');
@layer layers_reset__e9kt8i0;
@layer layers_framework__e9kt8i1;
@layer layers_app__e9kt8i2;

Nesting layers

To facilitate organisation of styles, layer nesting is supported by providing a parent layer reference via the options object. This will generate the shorthand syntax, i.e. parent.child, while also making the relationship between layers explicit.

import { layer } from '@vanilla-extract/css';

export const reset = layer('reset');
export const framework = layer('framework');
export const typography = layer(
  { parent: framework },
@layer layers_reset__e9kt8i0;
@layer layers_framework__e9kt8i1;
@layer layers_framework__e9kt8i1.layers_typography__e9kt8i2;

Assigning styles

Styles can be assigned to a layer by name, using the @layer key in the style object.

In this example, we first import the layers.css.ts stylesheet, setting up the order of the layers, then create a style within the reset layer.

import { style } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
import { reset } from './layers.css.ts';

export const noMargin = style({
  '@layer': {
    [reset]: {
      margin: 0
@layer layers_reset__e9kt8i0;
@layer layers_reset__e9kt8i0 {
  .reset_noMargin__1m3l8q90 {
    margin: 0;

Layer merging

In order to generate the smallest possible CSS output, Vanilla Extract will merge styles that are assigned to the same layer within the same file, if it can be done without impacting the precedence of the rules.

Notice in this example, while the themedHeading style is created before the the heading style, it appears later in the stylesheet. This is due to it being assigned to the theme layer — which is declared after the base layer.

import { style, layer } from '@vanilla-extract/css';

const base = layer();
const theme = layer();

const text = style({
  '@layer': {
    [base]: {
      fontSize: '1rem'
const themedHeading = style({
  '@layer': {
    [theme]: {
      color: 'rebeccapurple'
const heading = style({
  '@layer': {
    [base]: {
      fontSize: '2.4rem'
@layer typography_base__94ldqt0;
@layer typography_theme__94ldqt1;
@layer typography_base__94ldqt0 {
  .typography_text__94ldqt2 {
    font-size: 1rem;
  .typography_heading__94ldqt4 {
    font-size: 2.4rem;
@layer typography_theme__94ldqt1 {
  .typography_themedHeading__94ldqt3 {
    color: rebeccapurple;