
Create multi-variant styles with a type-safe runtime API, heavily inspired by Stitches.

As with the rest of vanilla-extract, all styles are generated at build time.

💡 Recipes is an optional package built on top of vanilla-extract using its function serialization API. It doesn’t have privileged access to vanilla-extract internals so you’re also free to build alternative implementations.


npm install @vanilla-extract/recipes


Creates a multi-variant style function that can be used at runtime or statically in .css.ts files.

Accepts an optional set of base styles, variants, compoundVariants and defaultVariants.

import { recipe } from '@vanilla-extract/recipes';

export const button = recipe({
  base: {
    borderRadius: 6

  variants: {
    color: {
      neutral: { background: 'whitesmoke' },
      brand: { background: 'blueviolet' },
      accent: { background: 'slateblue' }
    size: {
      small: { padding: 12 },
      medium: { padding: 16 },
      large: { padding: 24 }
    rounded: {
      true: { borderRadius: 999 }

  // Applied when multiple variants are set at once
  compoundVariants: [
      variants: {
        color: 'neutral',
        size: 'large'
      style: {
        background: 'ghostwhite'

  defaultVariants: {
    color: 'accent',
    size: 'medium'
.button_button__708odg0 {
  border-radius: 6px;
.button_button_color_neutral__708odg1 {
  background: whitesmoke;
.button_button_color_brand__708odg2 {
  background: blueviolet;
.button_button_color_accent__708odg3 {
  background: slateblue;
.button_button_size_small__708odg4 {
  padding: 12px;
.button_button_size_medium__708odg5 {
  padding: 16px;
.button_button_size_large__708odg6 {
  padding: 24px;
.button_button_rounded_true__708odg7 {
  border-radius: 999px;
.button_button_compound_0__708odg8 {
  background: ghostwhite;

With this recipe configured, you can now use it in your templates.

import { button } from './button.css.ts'; document.write(` <button class="${button({ color: 'accent', size: 'large', rounded: true })}"> Hello world </button> `);

Your recipe configuration can also make use of existing variables, classes and styles.

For example, you can pass in the result of your sprinkles function directly.

import { recipe } from '@vanilla-extract/recipes'; import { reset } from './reset.css.ts'; import { sprinkles } from './sprinkles.css.ts'; export const button = recipe({ base: [reset, sprinkles({ borderRadius: 'round' })], variants: { color: { neutral: sprinkles({ background: 'neutral' }), brand: sprinkles({ background: 'brand' }), accent: sprinkles({ background: 'accent' }) }, size: { small: sprinkles({ padding: 'small' }), medium: sprinkles({ padding: 'medium' }), large: sprinkles({ padding: 'large' }) } }, defaultVariants: { color: 'accent', size: 'medium' } });

The recipes function also exposes an array property variants that includes all the variants from your recipe.

button.variants(); // -> ['color', 'size']

Recipe class name selection

Recipes function exposes internal class names in classNames property. The property has two predefined props: base and variants. The base prop includes base class name. It is always defined even if you do not have any base styles. The variants prop includes class names for each defined variant.

console.log(button.classNames.base); // -> app_button__129pj250 console.log(button.classNames.variants.color.neutral); // -> app_button_color_neutral__129pj251 console.log(button.classNames.variants.size.small); // -> app_button_size_small__129pj254


A utility to make use of the recipe’s type interface. This can be useful when typing functions or component props that need to accept recipe values as part of their interface.

import { recipe, RecipeVariants } from '@vanilla-extract/recipes'; export const button = recipe({ variants: { color: { neutral: { background: 'whitesmoke' }, brand: { background: 'blueviolet' }, accent: { background: 'slateblue' } }, size: { small: { padding: 12 }, medium: { padding: 16 }, large: { padding: 24 } } } }); // Get the type export type ButtonVariants = RecipeVariants<typeof button>; // the above will result in a type equivalent to: export type ButtonVariants = { color?: 'neutral' | 'brand' | 'accent'; size?: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'; };